Ruantallan 34th Baronial Investiture Anniversary

Date(s) - 12/11/2022
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Come together to celebrate tha aniversary of the investiture of the Barony of Ruantallan.  Sir Spurius Genucius Rutilus will be running a tournament to select our new Baronial Rattan Champion, Athena’s thimble will be holding a gathering, you can display your A&S projects for all to see, their excellencies will be holding court and Mistress Briana will be leading some dancing after a delicious feast.
*There will be no dayboard served at this event


Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events.  By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks.  You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Site Opens: 12pm
Site Closes: 9pm

Event Location

Stewiake Community Centre
111 Nova Scotia Trunk 2
Stewiacke, NS  B0N 2J0
Google Map

The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter’s Checklist.

Registration Fees

With Feast:
Adult (18+) $25
Teen (13-17) $18
Children (6-12) $17
Children 5 and under Free
Family Cap $68

Without Feast:
Adult (18+) $15
Teen (13-17) $8
Children (6-12) $7
Children 5 and under Free
Family Cap $36

*There will be a $5.00 Membership discount.  Family Cap is for two adults and 2 children/teen

Reservation deadline is November 6th

Make Checks Payable to: The Barony of Ruantallan

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Sandra Logan
Aveline d’Amiens

Wendy Regular
Briana Douglas

Send Reservations to:

Allessandra Francesca di Milano at with the following info for everyone you are registering:
– Modern Name
– SCA Name
– Membership # and expiry date
– Dietary restrictions

Other Contact Information:

Feast cook:  Cristiana Ingen Mec-Bead
Marshal in charge:  Spurius Genucius Rutilus